[statnet_help] question about custom frame slicing for ndtv

Kyle Quarles kylequarles at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 05:47:28 PST 2022

Hello list,

I'm a composer with an interest in using dynamic networks to understand and
model musical syntax. I have a little tool I'm building for this purpose
here: https://github.com/KyleQuarles/MIDI_Dynamic_Network

This question concerns the ndtv package, specifically frame slicing. In the
documentation, slice.par is always an attribute list, with a consistent
interval and aggregate.dur for every slice; in other words, it appears the
slice.par list can only generate slices of a single size for each
animation. However, I'm interested in slicing at musical phrase boundaries,
which are not very consistent or regular. So my wish is for the ability to
send just an arbitrary list of frames to the compute.animation function,
instead of an attribute list which sets them at regular intervals. Is such
a thing possible somehow? I checked the tutorial/documentation and couldn't
find anything about this, but perhaps I'm not looking for the right thing.

Apologies if this is a duplicate question; the archive of questions here:
is searchable, but none of the 'browse by' or download features work for me.

Thank you,
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